Sunday, June 24, 2007

Top Secret

i haven't posted lately because there is soooo much happening in my life and it's mostly TOP SECRET!!! not really a secret, but too exciting to risk jinxing :-))

in other news: my dear daughter is going to Canada with my mother tomorrow for TWO WEEKS!!! yes, she is only 2 years old and no, i'm not an unfit mother! i know i'm going to miss her and if it were up to me my mom would only be going to a week or less, but it is what it is. my sister and 6 year old nephew live in canada and they're going for a visit. if my mom didn't take her, my sister wouldn't see my daughter for a couple of years. and my nephew is coming to Bermuda this summer. so we have that covered too...

i'm excited to have all of this spare time on my hands. let's see if i use it for good or evil :-)

i'll be back. hopefully i'll be able to reveal good news about my life!

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